2023 Nominations for Officers

The time is upon us to consider officers (Board) for the 2023 calendar year. Open nominations will be taken at the November 3 meeting, with elections scheduled for November 17.

The Board consists of the following officers: President; Vice President; Secretary; and Treasurer. Additionally, three Directors at large are elected to complete the Board.

ARRL Annual Online Auction

The 17th annual ARRL Online Auction preview is now open. Bidding begins at 10 am EDT on Friday, October 21st and runs through 10 pm on Thursday, October 27th.

This year’s auction features an assortment of product review equipment, vintage books, items of interest, the popular ARRL Lab “mystery” boxes, and new donated ham radio gear.

Upcoming Clubhouse Activities

No events are scheduled at the Clubhouse for the weekend of October 22-23.

October 30 there will be Kit Building at the Clubhouse.

Note: most Tuesdays the Clubhouse is open between 10-2. We may be doing work, cleanup, putting together new antennas for the towers or even just socializing. To participate, contact president@w3vpr.org.

ARRL Handbook of Radio Communications 100th edition

The 100th edition of The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications

HAARP Research

HAARP will be conducting a research campaign from October 19 through 28 (see attachment for exact times and dates)

Amateur Radio Operators are encouraged to provide signal reports.

Unfortunately exact operating frequencies are not known ahead of time due to ionospheric variabilities and the need to consult the ionospheric sounder the day of the experiment to determine best operating frequency.

Attached is the release from the UAF HAARP Program Office.

Testing Schedule for 2023

The 2023 testing schedule held at the AARC Clubhouse has been released and posted to the preregistration page. Testing is conducted the second Saturday of the month, except August when the facilities are in use for the Maryland-DC QSO Party.

Testing is conducted by members who are part of the Laurel VEC. There is no charge for people taking the exam, although there is a fee for licensure set by the FCC before a call sign can be issued.

For information contact Bill Ryan, N3RY.

ARRL Audio News coming soon

Update: the ARRL Audio News will begin on October 28. The times below will be times of the broadcast.

ARRL Audio News is a summary of the week’s top news stories in the world of amateur radio, along with interviews and other features.

At the October 13 meeting of the Board a proposal to air the weekly newscast was approved. When it goes live sometime in the near future it is tentatively scheduled for Friday at 7:30 pm and Saturday at 9:00 am on the club's repeaters.

Upcoming Contests

The following contests are coming up this month and in November:

2022 School Club Roundup

Oct. 17-21 School Club Roundup. During school year in October for 5-day event. Monday thru Friday, 1300 UTC thru 2359 UTC. May operate up to 6-hrs in 24-hr period, max of 24-hrs of 107-hr. Certificates - Elementary/HS/College/University. See Freq/Bands https://www.arrl.org/school-club-roundup

Source: ARRL Maryland-DC Section

Training Schedules 2023

Our training director, Keith Miller, AE3D, had released the training schedule for 2023.

Information is available in our training menu. The course dates are listed on the Preregistration page.

October 8 Testing Results

Vince Pugliese, KC3TMG, and David Grimes, K3HRT, earned their Extra licenses today October 8th.

We also have a new Tech. 

Michael Brazda who earned his Tech will join the club. Congratulations to all! 73 from the Laurel VE team and AARC.

Bill Ryan, N3RY 

Service Activity Updates

The Cold Turkey 10K has been cancelled. 

A new event, rha Anniversary Race 15K has been added to the calendar for December 11.

Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club Flea Market/Auction

Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club - MAARC presents its annual large flea market and auction event for collectors and vendors of vintage electronics SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 at Davidsonville Family Rec Center (DFRC). 

Gates open at 8:00 am, Walk-around auction is at 11:00 am, and the Indoor auction is at 12:30 pm; Food will be available for purchase from Boy Scout Troop 454.

Nominations for 2023 Office

It's that time of year for nominations for the 2023 club year. Nominations can be made for any position, although President, Vice President, Treasurer and one Director are currently needed. Nominations will be presented in November with elections held at the first meeting in December. Officers take office effective January 1, 2023.

To be considered or recommend someone for a position, contact Keith, AE3D.

General License Class

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Oct 27 and will run through Thursday, January 5.  There will be 9 sessions, with two breaks for holidays.  The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.  Sessions will be recorded. These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. 

Those wishing to sign up should email Rol Anders at roland.anders@comcast.net.

Member featured for Hurricane Ian work

AARC member Dale Klonin, KC3TAU, was featured in a Fox News web article regarding his efforts to aid people stranded on Sanibel Island using amateur radio.

The article is here

AARC's Laurel VE Team

Our VE Team coordinator received the following email from Mike Montrose:

The VE team members from AARC were a great help at the GNU exam session last Thu.  I appreciated that they went to DC to support the exam session.


To: GNU Conference VEs

Thank you so much for going to Washington DC yesterday to administer amateur radio license exams at the GNU conference session. We handled the large number of applicants very well.

FCC Grants an ARRL Emergency Request to Permit Higher Data Rate Transmissions for Hurricane Relief Communications

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted an ARRL emergency request for a 60-day temporary waiver intended to facilitate amateur radio emergency communications for hurricane relief. The waiver was adopted on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, and immediately permitted amateur radio operators supporting amateur data transmission for Hurricane Ian traffic to employ a higher symbol rate for data transmissions than the current limit of 300 baud.

Can you Elmer?

The newsletter editor would love to make the Ham Arundel News a premiere publication in the amateur world. One area he would like to add is any articles on your specialties that can be of benefit to the membership.

Whether it involves antenna building, POTA or SOTA activations (amongst others), use of non-traditional frequencies that most hams don't use, or any thing of general interest, the editor is interested.

Special Event Stations for October 2022

We are making the Special Event Stations for October available to those accessing the website, which may include members, potential members and amateurs in general.

We use the ARRL listings, but sort them by type of activity and then date. This way people can find Special Event Stations based on their preferences.

The listing is in PDF format.  

