Upcoming Contests

The following contests are coming up this month and in November:
- CQ World Wide DX Contest SSB - October 29-30 2022 0000 UTC Saturday - 2359 UTC Sunday
- ARRL November Sweepstakes CW - November 6-7 2022 2100 UTC Saturday thorough 0250 UTC Monday
- ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB - November 19-21 2022 2100 UTC Saturday thorough 0250 UTC Monday
- CQ World Wide DX Contest CW - November 26-27 2022 0000 UTC Saturday - 2359 UTC Sunday
The ARRL November Sweepstakes Exchange is: Serial Number, Operator, Call Sign, Check, Section, where the Serial Number=1 for first contact, 2 for second contact and so on; Operator: Single Op QRP=Q, Single Op Low Power=A, Single Op High Power=B, Single Op Unlimited Power=U, Multi-Op High or Low, School Club=S, Call Sign=Call Sign, Check: Last two digits for year you were first licensed, Section: like MDC or EPA or CT or OH.
The CQ WW DX Exchange is: 59 05 (as in you are 59 and I'm in CQ Section 05)