2023 Amplitude Modulation International Jamboree

The 2023 Amplitude Modulation International (AMI) Jamboree will be held over the Thanksgiving weekend, starting at dusk on November 24 and ending at dawn on November 27.

Amateurs needed for Solar QSO Party

ARRL is proud to partner with HamSCI to help promote participation in the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP). SEQPs are a series of global experiments -- and you can be a part of them. Solar eclipses will pass across the continental United States on October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024. 

During these celestial events, you can join thousands of fellow amateurs as part of the largest crowd-sourced event for ham radio scientific exploration. The SEQP is part of the Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science and is for learning more about how the ionosphere works.

Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club 2023 RadioFallFest

The Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC) that meets in Ford Hall at the Davidsonville Recreation Center will be holding its annual RadioFallFest event at the Davidsonville Recreation Center on October 15 beginning at 8 am. 

At least 20% to 25% of the items at the auctions and flea markets are Amateur Radio related, and about a third of the MAARC members are Hams.

The RadioFallFest details are on the MAARC website is https://maarc.org/radiofallfest-2023/.

Flyers for the upcoming TECH class


Here is a link to some PDFs for the upcoming tech class.

Please email distribute to any who may interested.

Suitable for printing.

you may have to loginto a google account to access.








CARAFest on October 1


Sunday, October 1st, 2023

7am-noon - RAIN OR SHINE

Howard County Fairgrounds

2210 Fairgrounds Rd, West Friendship, MD 21794

For more information or to pre-purchase admission, vendor, and tailgater tickets go to www.carafest.org


ARRL opposed to shortwave data proposal

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio®, as part of its mission to protect Amateur Radio, has filed comments against a proposal that would introduce high-power digital communications to the shortwave spectrum that in many instances is immediately adjacent to the Amateur HF bands.

Filers Seek Extension on Shortwave Petition. ARRL to File Comments.

Since May, ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has been reviewing the rules proposed in a petition before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from the “Shortwave Modernization Coalition” (SMC). The ARRL Laboratory has been studying the petition out of concern for potential interference to Amateur Radio communications.

Special Event Stations for August 2023

Attached is the listing of special event stations for August.

AARC starts with the ARRL listing but sorts the stations by type, then date.

This month, a new On The Air activity: Volcanoes. 

Happy hunting. 

Club Field Day Results

The club has filed it's Field Day information to the ARRL.

Thanks to all the people for making this a successful event.


A Message from ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR

Note: ARRL membership is optional and unrelated to the Anne Arundel Radio Club membership. Many club members are also members of ARRL

Dear ARRL members,

Skywarn class

Do you have an interest in weather? Would you like to be able to help your local National Weather Service office by providing the ground truth on the atmosphere that we observe from radar, satellites and various reporting stations? Then consider attending the SKYWARN® program Basic course.

Abie's Adventures in Armenia

Abie Akexander, AB1F, recently activated Armenia as EK/AB1F. He has put an article about the adventure at https://www.abiealexander.com/ek-ab1f/

Special Event Stations- July 2023

Attached are Special Event Stations for July.

AARC starts with the ARRL listing and resorts to thematic events first, then date, so that those who specialize in hunting specific events can more easily identify them.

reCaptchas Added

We have been requested by our hosting company to add some anti-spam technology to some of our pages.

You may see the captcha prompts on some of the pages that have forms that can be filled out going forward.

Maryland VOTA Volunterrs wanted

As a part of the 2023 ARRL Year of the Volunteer celebration, the portable operation of the W1AW callsign will be occurring in states and territories throughout the United States. ARRL members in each state/territory will be approved to operate their stations during two different weeks in 2023 using the callsign W1AW/x where x is one of the local regions: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, KL, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH7, KH8, KP2, KP3, or KP4. 

Special Event Stations - June 2024

Attached are the Special Event Stations for June 2023. We start with the ARRL listing and reformat the list by the event type then by date.

This month there are two events with a significant number of stations for an event: Coast Guard Auxiliary Anniversary and Ships on the Air/Museum Ships. And there are other special events as well, including one for WWI Code Talkers (Yes World War I).

Good Hunting.


License Exam June 10

As a reminder, the next license exam session will be June 10. The Laurel VE team will be administering the Technician, General and Amateur Extra exams. Preregistration is preferred on the W3VPR website.

Check-in begins around 12:15 pm at the clubhouse, with the tests starting at 1:00 pm.

Marine Corps Marathon 2023

Official volunteer sign-ups for the 2023 Marathon will open up in July. We've already had our first planning meeting with the Marine Corps Marathon Office. The course will be the same as last year as of right now. The field of runners will be back to pre-COVID levels. As of my last discussion with the Program Office, they were pretty close to already being sold out for spots in this year's race.

NHC Annual Test on May 27

The amateur radio station of the National Hurricane Center, WX4NHC (NHC), located on the campus of Florida International University in Miami, will conduct their on-the-air Annual Communications Test on Saturday, May 27, 2023, from 9 AM - 5 PM EDT (1300z- 2100z).

Field Day Sign-up Available

A sign-up sheet for Field Day is currently accessible at signupgenius
