After the Holly Net this morning, in which we discussed the present administrations proposed rewrite of FCC Regulations, I took a lot at the FCC website and found this:
The summary states that "On March 12, 2025, FCC released a Public Notice seeking comment to identify every rule, regulation, or guidance document that the FCC should eliminate for the purpose of reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens."
We need to assume that every means every. We discussed the application of this to Part 97, regulating the Amateur Service. However, I don't think it is safe to assume that the proposal is so limited.
Please note that band allocations are part of FCC regulations, and in particular, the FCC's Table of Frequency Allocations, which outlines band allocations, is codified in 47 CFR § 2.106. Here's a more detailed explanation: FCC's Role: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for allocating and managing the radio spectrum in the United States.
Table of Frequency Allocations: The FCC maintains a "Table of Frequency Allocations" that designates which frequency bands are allocated for specific uses, such as broadcasting, wireless services, or government use.
Codification: This table is officially codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 47 CFR § 2.106.
International and US Tables: The Table of Frequency Allocations consists of the International Table of Frequency Allocations (International Table), the United States Table of Frequency Allocations (United States Table), and FCC rule part(s) cross references
We all know that commercial parties are constantly seeking to encroach on our bands.
Interested parties may file comments by accessing the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System at https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings. All filings must reference GN Docket No. 25-133. Filings raising issues related to other open Commission dockets should also reference those dockets. People with disabilities who need assistance to file comments online may request assistance by email to FCC504@fcc.gov.
Please make your voices heard and spread this appropriately so that we are not ignored.
FCCRule Changes
Holders of the discontinued “advanced class” license should be allowed amateur extra privileges.