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January 16 meeting online

Tonight's meeting will be online only due to inclement weather forecasts.

Holiday Party

Join together for a holiday party.

When: This Saturday, January 18th.

Time: 6 pm

Where: The Boy Scout Hall

What: A dessert to share would be nice

If you are going to attend please RSVP by this Wednesday ( 15th) to the 2025 board using this email: board25@w3vpr.org <mailto:board25@w3vpr.org> and please include the number that will be attending.

December is Youth on the Air month

Amateur radio operators ages 25 and younger will be on the air as special event stations around the world throughout December in celebration of youth in amateur radio. YOTA Month stations will be on all bands and modes at various times. QSL and award information is at events.ham-yota.com.

How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season

From the ARRL website:

Santa Claus will be on the amateur radio airwaves again this year.

The 3.916 Santa Net will be on the air every night at 7:00 PM CST from November 29 through December 24. Reserve a spot with Santa by making a pre-net check in. You can check in each night starting at 6:30 PM CST online at www.CQSanta.com.


Starting with the next meeting the primary location will be the AARC clubhouse.

As a backup the meetings will also be hosted on Google Meetings.

So the clubhouse will be open for action for the September 5th meeting in person.

Breakfast At UR Burger

The club will have a monthly breakfast at UR Burger in Edgewater MD at 930AM on the 24th.

July Skywarn Training - Basics Class

The Baltimore-Washington NWS has announced a class for Skywarn Basics to be held on July 11.

The class will be at the Carroll County's Public Safety Training Center, 50 Kate Wagner Road, Westminster MD 21157. It will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm.

The class is required for the courses for Winter, Tropical, and severe weather. It's also recommended as a periodic refresher for current Skywarn observers.

Soon after completion those without a Skywarn spotter number will receive one.

Active 2024 hurricane season predicted

From ARRL:

Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers predict an active Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 to November 30) in their initial 2024 forecast.

Skywarn Flooding Session

The National Weather Service will be conducting a class on Flooding as part of the local Skywarn classes. It will be held at the Prince George's County Emergency Operations Center in Landover on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:30 pm and scheduled to end at 8:30.

Registration is free and available at https://www.weather.gov/lwx/skywarn

Parks On The Air (POTA) Presentation March 21

Vice President Greg Witmyer, KC3SEG, will be doing a presentation on POTA at the March 21 presentation meeting.

Greg is an active POTA activator, most common in the middle Atlantic states but recently with his companion, Teddy, went into the southeast.

He has made presentations at the Maryland Mobileers and at the club in Berlin, MD.
