Looking for CW Help


Good Afternoon Everyone,

Looking for a little help with CW.  I am just learning and would love to have someone local that I could schedule on air practice sessions with, or just provide advice. 

I just finished the CWOPS Level one training course and can send pretty well at a character speed of 20 and a farnsworth speed of about 12-15.  My problem is with copying, and thats where I need the help.  I'm using all the usual methods to learn.  Using ARRL Code Practice Files, using the Gordon West CDs, and I am also using a text to CW conversion program that allows me to create MP3 files to listen to.  But so far, nothing has been helping with copying.  I can recognize the individual characters no problem, but once they start coming in groups of two or more, it just scrambles my brain.  LOL 

Any advice from the CW pros out there would be greatly appreciated.

John, KC3ARN





Hi John and welcome to the wonderful world of CW. The Club is actually having a class on Wednesday nights at 7:00 at the clubhouse to practice CW. We have currently worked through the alphabet and are on numbers. The class is running a farnsworth speed of 13-15 wpm so you should fit in and improve on your speed.

Thanks, I will try to make it to the class this Wednesday.  Is there anything I need to bring with me to the class?

Hj John,

I'm am member of the Straight Key Century Club (SKCCGroup.com).  We're over 18K Ops that use straight keys, bugs & "cooties; but no keyers.  We pride ourselves on "hand crafted" CW.  Most of the Ops go slower than 20 WPM and we will always answer you at the speed you send.  So check out the web page and join us. It's free and a lot of fun.

I would be glad to QSO with you most anytime. Contact me on the 147.105 repeater or email n3adfjim@gmail.com and we'll set up a schedule.  I have HF 160m thru 6m, so I'm sure we can find a band to work.  I'm in Western Bowie and only 8.3 miles away.

73 & Yours, Aye!

Jim - N3ADF

Thanks Jim!  I am a member of SKCC, member number 17565.  I actually participated in last month's Weekend Sprint. 148th overall with 11 QSOs and 13th for QRP.  If it wasn't for the SKCC Logger program, I probably would't have been able to get the 11 QSOs.  All I had to catch was the Call Sign or the SKCC number and the Logger program would give me the rest of the person's info.  I'll contact you about setting up a schedule, I have 80m thru 6m, and even have 2m in my KX3, but I don't think it is working properly.

John, KC3ARN