2015 AARC Family Picnic & Tailgate


The 2015 AARC Family Picnic & Tailgate event is nearly here. I hope you've made plans to attend!

Starting at noon on Saturday September 26th, rain or shine at the picnic pavilion on the DFRC. The club provides grilled meats (hamburgers, hot dogs/sausages) and soft drinks and water. Please bring a side side to share pot luck style.

We will also be having our 2nd annual tail-gating sale. Nothing major, but this is a good chance to clean out your shack of those useful but no longer needed items. The club will provide tables in the shade as we did last year. If you are interested, please contact me so I can have a table for you.

In addition, this year we will have a table for the AARC. These items are usually donations to the club that are excess to needs but still useful. They will be sold and the proceeds go 100% to the club's general fund. Please consider this way to donate.

This is also a great event to bring newcomers or other interested parties to meet club members, get an introduction to amateur radio and free food! Tours of the club house and repeater equipment and radio demonstrations will be available if interest warrants.