Anyone want to join a group build of the Pixie kit? (under $4)


I was thinking of hosting a group build of a simple radio called the Michigan Mighty Mite when I stumbled upon an inexpensive kit called the "Pixie" transceiver.

These retail, delivered, from China or Hong Kong for less than $4:!ebay

Some of these do not come with a BNC antenna connector, and some random guy on YouTube advised me to make sure the kit I get has one. I'm planning to take his advice. Here is his build video:

40m QRP Pixie kit build for Ham Radio [9:41] Dan/M0TGN

He did it in under 10 minute, and I understand this is typically a 1 evening kit.

There are also fully assembled ones, but what is the fun with that? The idea is to get people soldering and building on something inexpensive and fun.

Later, we can almost certainly get a PC to key these. Maybe experiment with QRSs, or move the frequency of operation down to the MD slow net. They're rock-bound, which means you're pretty limited to perhaps +/- 3 kHz from the crystal installed, though I plan to put in a socket to be able to swap out crystals.

You won't get it in time for this week's kitbuilding on July 24th, but perhaps next one.

By the way, this is the deluxe, made in the USA version of the kit:

Lil Squall Transceiver ][ $40

You could probably scratch-build one of these, but probably not for less than $4. Related keywords for this circuit: Pixie II, Tixie, KnightSMiTe, NVIS, Altoids, Snipers and Motley.

link dump:

Anyone else up for the challenge?

Sounds good --- I' d be interested.

Great links, too.
