Submitting Your Entry

This form will serve as the Summary Sheet for all online entries

Please fill in this form top to bottom, as the availability of some options will change depending on your answers to the various pull down menus. 

Be aware that our scoring software reads your claimed contacts in phone, digital and CW modes as well as the Maryland-DC Counties and Cities worked, and for in-state contestants the states, Canadian Provinces, and DX entities worked from what is entered on this form.  If you fail to enter all the Online Entry information, we must complete it for you, based on your Cabrillo or other log file.  Sadly if the Online Entry is incomplete, you will not qualify for our 50 point Online Entry bonus.  So please help us out, and help yourself to an extra 50 points in the process.  

NOTE: Your category of entry is based on the location of your station during the contest.  If you are operating within the boarders of Maryland and the District of Columbia then you select "MDC" from the pulldown menu below.  If your station is outside those boarders you enter "Non-MDC" by selecting it from the pulldown menu.  These are the only to options, prohibiting you from entering contacts from both locations. 

RULE CHANGE NOTICE:  Beginning last year, for the benefit of the Club Participation Trophy we have decided that large clubs, that are subdivided into Chapters, will be competing as Chapters rather than the entire club competing as a single entity.  This should give us more competing organizations, and perhaps sparking some Chapter rivalries along the way.   

For your club to win our MDC Participation Trophy we need to know which Maryland or DC ARC(s) you belong to. If your club is subdivided into Chapters, include the Chapter's name.
Enter all operator call signs separated by spaces.
Enter first and last name, separated by a comma followed by a space.

Maryland DC Jurisdiction from which I made my contacts

Maryland DC Jurisdiction from which I made my contacts

Maryland DC Jurisdiction from which I made my contacts

Maryland DC Jurisdiction from which I made my contacts

NOTE:  If you enter your name only, we automatically add your call sign to it.  For group entries you may choose to list the call signs of all operators.

(If applicable)
(if applicable)
If outside the US and Canada

Various Maximum Power Used levels may be used in your category.  Therefore we need to know which applies to you.  For this purpose QRP is up to 5 watts., LOW is over 5 watts and up to 150 watts, MED is over 150 watts and up to 600 watts, and HIGH is over 600 watts but still legal.


The Maryland Club Participation Award:  In 2020 the Anne Arundel Radio Club inititated The Maryland Club Participation award in a blatant attempt to get more of Maryland's ARRL affiliated ham radio clubs involved, especially those in the less amateur active counties in our state.  We realized that bigger clubs generally meant higher participation, not because of their higher participation rates, but because of their sheer membership numbers.  So we came up with a formula that awards clubs based not only on total points earned by their members, but also on the percentage of that clubs members that entered the event.  This formula may be tweeked over the next few years, but we are pleased with it's initial results.

This year we are asking all multi-operator stations to include a complete list of call signs for those who operated during the Maryland DC QSO Party.  Many have already been doing so, and we have found it necessary to correctly calculate the percentage of memberships involved in our event.  Your help with this small change will be appreciated. 

Knowing that larger contest clubs, due to their nature, may consist of members spread across the MDC region.  It seemed unfair to us, for such large clubs to compete against the more traditional clubs, who are more highly localized.  Therefore beginning this year, for the purpose of this contest, any club that is subdivided into area 'chapters' will compete in chapter units rather than as club units.  So we are asking all competitors belonging to clubs divided into chapters to submit their club name and chapter in order to compete for the Maryland Club Participation Award.  We are hopeful this will cause some rivalries to develop among the chapters, and increase participation along the way.

To make your points count toward your club's total all you have to do is tell us what ARRL club or clubs (up to three) you wish your points applied to, and by what percentage.  This in no way will affect your score in the category you have entered.  We will do our best to divide your points accordingly.  If you list two or three clubs, and either fail to tell us the percentages, or the ones you give us don't add up to 100% we will apportion the points as we see fit.  This will most likely result in a relatively even distribution. 

Finally and most important, in order for your club to participate, your club President, or another officer acting on their behalf must supply us with your clubs membership total as of the end of Field Day weekend two month prior to our contest.  Totals may be sent via USPS to AARC, PO Box 308, Davidsonville, MD 21035 or emailed to  We will accept such totals, until we cease accepting entries for that year's Maryland DC QSO Party.

NOTE:  The percentages above must add to 100.  If they don't, we will apply the points evenly between the clubs listed.  If you wish to apportion points between more than 3 clubs, please email the details to as such a request is beyond the capability of our webform.  Be aware we are fraction adverse, and will use the nearest whole number in both percentages and point totals. 



DX Entities Worked:  (Total number of DX entities worked excluding Hawaii, Alaska, Canada and the United States).  Be aware if you work a DX (as in DXCC) entity twice, you only get credit for the entity once as a multiplier.  You will, however, get credits for both contacts during point tabulation. 

List of all DX Countries worked. NOTE: Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and the United States are considered invalid as DX entities for the Maryland DC QSO Party. (Each country should in order consist of the call sign of the station worked, a comma, the country name, a semicolon and a space.)
- Each QSO using CW Mode will be worth 3 points
- Each QSO using any Digital Mode will be worth 2 points
- Each QSO using Phone Mode will be worth 1 point each
Please include your CALL SIGN somewhere in the file name, and upload your Oddball Pictures so we can give you 50 bonus points. Should you win, don't be surprised if we ask you for permission to publish your picture on our website and/or newsletter in order to help publicize the Maryland DC QSO Party.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif.

NOTE:  The first upload location is required.  Here you must upload a copy of your Cabrillo file if possible using the .log or .txt file types.   Most logging software is capable of creating a Cabrillo file.  Please include your call sign as a part of the file's name.  Alternately your log may be uploaded using Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc formats. 

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt xls xlsx ods log.

NOTE:  The second upload location is optional.  We realize some users will operate FT8 using WSJT-X software.  Though it is possible to export an .ADIF file from that program, and to import that file to your logging software, you may alternately upload the WSJT-X log file here.  This is typically in ADIF format.  If you did not operate FT8 or use the WSJT-X software, then you should not upload anything here.  Again, uploaded files should have your call sign somewhere in the file name.  But to not use the same filename for both uploaded files. 

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt xls xlsx ods log.

To minimize errors your scores will be calculated automatically by computer using the information provided on this form and the same method described in the rules.  Scores will be posted online as soon as possible after all entries are received.  Good luck, and 73s.


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